Lavoura Arcaica

And Ana was there next to me.
Her presence was
so necessary.

I thought how often,
like two children...

we would be able
to laugh riotously.

Spraying the urine
of each one...

against the other's body.
Wetting ourselves as
we had done just awhile ago.

And mixing together
with our laborious tongues...

the saliva of each other.
Uniting our faces,
wet by our eyes...

cheek to cheek.
Thinking that we were
made of dirt...

and that everything in us would
germinate in the other...

with the water
received from the other.

The sweat of one
for the sweat of the other.

My eyes were still closed...
when I touched the hay again.
Ana was gone.
I didn't know love required
watching over...
