Le Pacte des loups

En kvinde fra Lorcière blev
overfaldet på vej hjem fra marked.

Nær Mont Mouchet.
Det forsvandt i skoven.

Udyret angreb i St. Alban.
Gud straffede mig for mine synder.
Mine børn forsvandt
ved Mont Mouchet.

... jeg tror heller ikke på ...
Udyret er ikke noget dyr.
Intet dyr har tænder afjern.
Junker, kom straks.
Jeg så ham!
Han gav dem gift
og påkaldte Djævelen!

Gad vide,
hvor længe det har stået på!

A women from Lorciere.
She came back from a party.

We lost it south of the Mouchet.
It just dissapeared.

Knight, the Beast attacked a women
in Saint-Alban.

God punished me,
my children are gone.

No more than you I believe in

His snout was longer and
the teeth are like knifes.

The only certainty is that it's
not a wolf.

It's not an animal?
-A frantic wolf attacks everyone.

How do we catch it?
No animal has iron teeth.
Knight, you have to come at once.
I saw it.
He poored poison and said
satanic words.

God knows how long this has been
going on.
