Le Pacte des loups

All women are equal once
the candles are extinguished.

Yes, they're clear of mind.
The Indians slept with white men
and had children. We are equals.

That's said hasty.
It's a bit like with black men...

What do you think of it, Sardis?
Your bloodbrother must be a child of God.
You had him baptised?
-He didnt ask me.

Good. You follow times closely.
-Mani has his own believe.

He was somesort of priest in
his tribe.

Do Indians have priests?
They are lost.

What is their believe?
Every human has a conginial
with the animals. A totem

Nice, but i don't understand.
Would you mind?
Don't be afraid. It won't hurt.
Kariboe... thats somekind of

Yes, a deer. What do you think?
Am I a deer by the horns or
by somebody else?

And my dear Thomas? What is his..

A book-worm.
A snake?

With the Indians,
Snakes stand for wisdom

Wise snake.
And you, mylord Intendant?
A pig.
Away with those wrinkles.
With those barbarians the pigs
may represent nobility.

Who is next? Sardis?
-No. No
