Life Without Dick

What in the hell wereyou doin'?
Obeying the law.
What wereyou doing?

I was backin' out.
You were driving like a maniac.

Wow! Cool car.
-Colleen, mind your own business.
-You were the one driving like a maniac.

Yeah? Why don't we get
the cops here and see?

There's no need to get the cops here.
It's a little fender bender.

Oh, no, look.
See, your light thingy
is all crushed.

Doyou understand that ''mind your
own business'' means ''shut up''?

Why don't we leave her out ofit?
She's innocent.
She's cute too.

Stop trying to change the subject.
There's no subject, buddy.
I'm getting in my car, and I'm leaving.

It was nice meeting you.
Hope I run intoyou again soon.
I seeyour husband
and the crossing guard...

having an affair.
They're running offto Rome
together. Capisce?

Ifyou went home this second, you would
see her standing at the doorway...

with the bags all packed
waiting to leaveyou.

Mark mywords.
Go. Go.

That so-and-so
was taking my clothes.

I suppose his crossing guard
was my size too.

I could kill him again.
Iknow who this is.
You verymeanlady! You'renever
going tospeak tomyboyfriendagain!
