Lovely & Amazing

I didn't put them
in her hand.

- You bought them.
- She begged me.

( spits )
- You're the mother!
- Still.

Annie: I thought
thes e weren't the bad kind.

- Let's go home. By e.
- By e.

- Goodnight, sweetheart.
- Goodnight.

- Sweet dreams.
- You too.

I hate my life.
You need
more of one.

Blah, blah !
Arturo stole
my commission today.

Are you s erious?
Did you tell him
to fuck off?

Of cours e not. I hav e to work
with him e v ery day.

Well, I would
still tell him.

- Oh my God !
- What?

It's my sister's movie.
She's in the ad.

She doesn't e v en hav e
a big part.

H e y, you're in Jane Magazine.
In an ad for your movie.
- Really? It must be tiny.
- No, it's big.

I mean your head is...
is half an inch big.
But it doesn't really
look like you.

I don't think
it's your hair.

Well, whos e hair is it?
It's a little
Phyllis Diller-y.

It's frizzy?
No, it's not frizzy.
It's just--

- I don't know. Go buy it.
- I think I'll skip it.

Why are you panting?
Paul's ov er.
We're doing yoga.

- ( laughs )
- What's so funny?

You guys
do yoga together?

- I'm hanging up.
- By e.

She wasn't eXcited?
