Lovely & Amazing

That's not funny.
You made us nervous.

It was definitely the hardest thing
I'v e e v er done.

But I felt like I really
accomplished something.

I asked for the epidural
when I wasn't e v en dilated.

I didn't mind the pain.
I felt like a different person
when it was ov er.

If I could tolerate that,
I could tolerate anything.

- Donna: You made it.
- H e y, guys.

- H i, sweetie.
- H i, Daddy.

I had no idea your brav e wife
did natural childbirth.

- She's phobic about medication.
- Donna: ( laughs )

That's not why.
The y s ell wrapping paper
already made, you know?

This is handmade
wrapping paper.

Let's go visit Mom.
She's still in re cov ery.
We'll go later.

I want to be there
first thing.

We hav e to wait
for Bill to get back.

Where is he?
H e went to help Donna
get a stereo.

- I want to go now.
- No, later.

You're not the boss of me.
I am too,
when Mom's not here.

Fuck you.
Fuck you.
( phone rings )
H ello.
Oh, hi.
Is she out y et?

H i, Mama.
Is it ov er?
- How do you feel?
- Naus eous.

I hurt so much.
I ne v er should hav e done this.

How are we doing,

I might throw up.
It hurts too much.
You're gonna
feel better soon.

We're gonna hav e to keep
your mom here a couple of days.

Be caus e she's naus eous?
She needs IV fluids
for the dehydration

which resulted from fluid shifts
that occurred during the surgery.
