Lovely & Amazing

I'd buy this from you
in a s e cond.

( Michelle giggles )
( whistle blows )
Lorraine: I'm gonna
take that class

e v en though I hear
the teacher's boring.

You already hav e
too many credits.

I could ne v er keep up with
so many class es.

I don't know.
I'm us ed to it.

Annie !
You can't do that.
You can't play that game.

- I was floating.
- Didn't you hear me?

- No.
- You heard me perfe ctly well.

- You were laughing.
- It was funny.

It was not funny.
come on, out of the pool.

No more swimming.

Out! Out!
What are you
looking at?

Don't look away,
you're the fat girl.

- You're the fat girl.
- You can't act like that.

Feeling guilty
about your boyfriend?

A little.
We broke up.

- When?
- Two days ago.

A long mourning period,
I s ee.

( giggles )
You didn't hav e to ditch him
so you could sleep with me.

H e probably
wouldn't hav e minded.

How's that?
A movie star.
Different role.

Go on.
You don't know
how many boyfriends

will forgiv e you for cheating
with somebody famous.

And when two famous people
cheat with each other

the y cancel each other out.
I s ee.
( giggles )

come on,
you look good.

Do I?
Do you...
think that
I am s eXy person?
