Megiddo: The Omega Code 2

(Chanting in Latin)
STONE: This is my blood
spilled by my enemies.

Drink it and vanquish.
This is my flesh
made foul with sin.

Eat it and rejoice
in my new kingdom.

But woe to those that oppose me.
For they shall be cut down
like winter wheat...

and my wrath shall sweep
like a dark tide...

over the suffering land.
Oh, woe to those
who stand in the path...

of my righteousness.
Oh, woe...
WOMAN: With the final terrorist
stronghold destroyed...

celebrations have
intensified here...

at the historic Temple Mount
in Jerusalem...

as we await the inauguration
of Stone Alexander...

as the first-ever Chancellor
of the United World Union.

Over to you, Chuck.
Thank you, Dana.
During Stone Alexander's

he has quite literally changed
the face of the world.

Using his great wealth...
he has all but ended
the problems...

of world hunger and drought...
brought peace
to the Middle East...

and laid the groundwork
for world government...

Well, there you go.
See what you can accomplish...
if you don't have
to answer to Congress.

l'm telling you, Richard...
pulling our delegation
was a mistake.

lt sends the wrong message.
l think it sends
exactly the right message.
