
Can't work, can't do shit.
The medical bills pile up, his wife calls
the insurance company and I get sent in.

This is my first big claims investigation
so I really check into it.

Sammy can think just fine
but he can't make new memories.

He can only remember things
for a couple of minutes.

He'd watch TV but anything longer than
a couple of minutes was too confusing,...

..he couldn't remember how it began.
He liked commercials. They were short.
Sammy. It's time for my shot.
The crazy part was that this guy,...
..who couldn't follow
the plot of Green Acres any more,...

..could do the most complicated things,...
:26:38 long as he learned them
before the accident...

..and as long as he kept his mind
on what he was doing.

The doctors assure me...
..there's a real condition, anterial-grade
memory loss, or short-term memory loss.

It's rare but legit.
But every time I see him,...
..I catch this look,...
..this... slight look of recognition.
But he says he can't remember me at all.
Sammy, it's OK. I got it.
- Hi, Mr Shelby.
- Hi, Mrs Jankis.

Now, I can read people
and I'm thinking "bad actor".

So now I'm suspicious
and I order more tests.

Oh, where am I?
Somebody's bedroom.
Oh, it must be her room.
But who is she?
It's only me.
- Did you sleep OK?
- Yeah. You?

Oh, shit. Shit.
I gotta be someplace.
