Mermaid Chronicles Part 1: She Creature

You're right to think me strange...
... but you'd be strange too,
if you knew what I know.

- We don't think you're strange.
- All water holds hidden magic.

Without it there can be
no life on Earth.

But what I am telling you...
... is not magic.
You understand?
Yet, at the risk of sounding...

For thousands of years...
... men have believed in
an enclave of islands...

... known as the Forbidden Islands...
... where mermaids breed.
In Greek mythology, Sirens were
originally bird women.

Then, somewhere along the line,
they mutated into fish women.

But like I said,
that is Greek mythology.

Mermaids are myths.
Everybody knows that.
They sing, they dance.
They lure the sailors to their lair
with their pale flesh.

And the story goes that every year...
... under the strongest of
the full moons, usually in summer...

... the mermaid becomes human
for roughly one night.

That's right. Human.
Legs, feet and all.
Quaint little maidens.
Meek as sin.
Who will believe an extraordinary
story like that?

This one has an
unfortunate skin condition.
