Mimic 2

It can't be.
It's just not possible.

They're all dead.
Come on.
Stay here.
Aah ! Oh, my God. Nicky !
Remi. Oh, shit. Miss Panos.
What are you doing here ?
He hides here from his dad.
Did you see anything ?
What ?
Never mind.
How'd you get in here ?

You just pull that.
Narc-ass piece of shit.
You two, go to the door
and keep an eye on the hall.

Why ?
'Cause I'm the fucking teacher,
and I said so !

What are you doing ?
Seeing if it's out there.
If what's out there ?
Aah !
Run ! Go ! Get out of here !
Uhh ! Ugh.
Ow, I'm gonna get sick.
Save it. Come on.
Holy... Look at this guy
over there.

Is he still movin' ?
Scan to the right.
One of his trails.

Up that pipe.
No, that pipe.
Up, up toward the window.
