
Where treetops glisten
and children listen.

To hear sleighbells in the snow.
Could you tell who that was?
You could tell, right?
He was trying so hard
to show me how funny he was.

''I had those treetops
up my ass for two years.'' No?

''I had a gun to my head.
I was scared, scared as hell.''

True Romance, The Deer Hunter.
Christopher Walken!

An American actor.
An actor that I have ...
a great deal of respect for.

You're playing Trivial Pursuit?
That's ...

And then he comes over
for some cake, and ...

I'm really struggling here.

I think I'll go back to the bar and
shoot myself, if that's OK with you.

-He was very charming.
-You said he was a mongo.

That too. But he was different from
everyone else. And he was brave.

If you had just seen me
here at the bar ...

Never mind what just happened.
If I just came in, and ... Whoops!
