Monrak Transistor

Can't you see? I'm washing clothes
Sadaw, you're so cute
even when you tease me

there's something I must ask you
I know it may not be the right time...
What's on your mind?
It may embarrass you...
or make some difficulty for you...
Tell me! I'm listening
Can you pay me in advance?
Oye needs it to buy Osha rice
they'll only sell it tomorrow

All right
Massage my waist will you?
Just here
On the waist
I know a ghost recipe potion
My Grandpa told me about it
What crap is this now? Ghost recipe?
It's real!
A relative of mine drank it...
and he got back on his feet!
You think you can trick an old man?
Why would I want to trick you?
It's real!
If it doesn't work
I'll dig without pay!

So what is it?
It helps you live longer
It's made of four plants:
