Monsters, Inc.

It might sound crazy.
But I don't think that kid's dangerous.
I always wanted a pet.
To kill me.
What if we just put her back in the door?
Think about it.
Like it's never happened.
Everything goes back to normal.
Is that a joke tell me you're joking.
Giving us a circumstance I've been
extremely up to now.

It's a horrible idea.
What are we gonna do?
Then we just walk right back
to the factory right?

I'm not gonna fool anyone.
Think about a few things.
They all got one thing in common.
Don't worry we can do this.
Everything is going to be OK.
Don't panic.
That's the number one concern.
Not now.
Hello little one.
Where do you come from?
Isn't this one yours?
That's my cousin sister's daughter.
James why don't you stop by for the
simulation today.

And give us scares you talked about that day.
