Mr In-Between

I like my men
Like I like my coffee
Hot, strong
and sweet like toffee

Oh, so you know
that I can't let you go

I like my men...
Sorry, Jon's promised
to help me with...

Oh, sorry.
I'll just have to nick
that husband of yours, won't I?

- Be my guest.
- Well, I will.

Men, like my coffee...
Thank you.
You're a shy one, aren't you?
You'd better get some crisps
and olives out while I get changed.

Where are the bowls?
They're in the top
righthand cupboard.

Love pierced the arrow
with the 12

And I can't get you back
Ah, ecstasy
Ah, ecstasy...
You're making a habit
out of rescuing us.

I don't know what you mean.
I mean things were a mess
before you showed up.

You'd have been okay.
