Mr In-Between

- There you go.
- Thanks.

Where's Andy?
Rickets needed him at the garage.
They've got some rush job on.

Andy was dead chuffed
to get the overtime.

(doorbell buzzes)
Talk of the devil. Silly sod's
forgotten his keys again.

Kirsty: Daddy!
Who's got a silly daddy then?
What are you doing up?

I just came from the garage.
It's not good.

It's your husband, he's...
There's been an accident.
Priest: Suffer us not,
at our last hour...

... for any pains of death
to fall from Thee...

For as much as it has pleased
Almighty God

to take unto Himself the soul
of our dear brother here departed,
we therefore commit
his body to the ground.

Earth to earth,
ashes to ashes,

dust to dust,
in sure and certain hope
of the Resurrection to eternal life,
