
Fat chance.
He's been waiting to get back at us.
Tonight's the night
for a happy ending.

You should've bullied him
more When you Were kids.

It's too late noW.
It's never too late.
I suggest We do some
ass kicking tonight.

I've got the bennies.
A man's best friend.

We should take the laW in our hands.
et's go and take the
Tit for all he's Worth.

I mean look at me.
NeW coat, neW T-shirt.

What a gent!
I understand you a lot.
Good kids and all.

I was good at school - B average.
Then I realiZed: Either
leave and forget Serbia

or stay. If you stay then
there's only one option -

That sounded kind of heavy, no?
Who thinks you're stupid?
Hold on, man.
I'm not going to play for free.
But that's our deal With Goyko.
All the others are paid.
We got a crate of beer
and some guitar strings.

Strings, my ass!
I've already broken 4
pairs of drumsticks.

The money Will come,
this is just our first gig.

Sandro, are you coming?
-et's go.

Where are you going,
you faggot? Fuck you!
