Nirgendwo in Afrika

May I help you?
I need a special permission.
I have to visit Mr. Edward Rubens,

the mayor of the Jewish community.
It’s very important that I talk to him.

Here we are.
Please help yourself, Mrs. Redlich.

My husband and I we have been at
the Olymmpics in Berlin!

My first time in Germany.
My God, we were naiv.

Until the end we thought our
civilized friends will help us

and stop Hitler.
Where are you now? Where have you been in ‘38?
Hitler didn’t invent anti-Semitism!
I don’t think, Mrs Redlich came here

to discuss politics with you! Right?
How can we help you my dear?

Mr. Morrison, the owner of our farm
doesn’t want “Enemmy Aliens” anymore.

But without work Walter can’t leave the farm
and we don’t know how to find new work.
That’s why I beg you for help.

We’d do anything.
Do you think you are the only one
who suffers from war?

Or do you think we are responsible?
You are alive!
By God, make the best out of it!

Eddie! I’m sorry, I can’t help you!
Excuse me.

We have relatives in Poland.
For ages my husband hasn’t heard
anything from them.
