Not Another Teen Movie

They`re not Iooking for sex.
They`re Iooking for Iove.

Love me! Harder!
Amanda Becker.
She is so perfect.
Keep dreaming.
What`s up, Reggie Ray?
I can`t wait untiI Friday`s game.
What about your head? You have
a bIood cIot the size of a grapefruit.

Five more concussions and you`II die.
You shouId take it easy.

-Don`t Iisten to him.

Mr. Not-First-String-Anymore,
isn`t first-string anymore.

We know what happened Iast time
Jake caIIed the pIays.

And now, our hometown hero...
...first-string quarterback,
Jake Wyler!

MaIik, couId you hoId these books?
Sure. Why not?
I am the token bIack guy.

I smiIe, stay out of
the conversation...

...and say things Iike ``Damn,``
``Shit,`` and ``That is whack!``

What`s she doing here?
She graduated four years ago.

-Hi, Jake.

Can I ask you a question?
Why is it when I teII a guy
to put it anywhere...

-...they aIways stick it in my ass?

Way too much information.
Oh, no. Too much information
wouId be teIIing you...
