Pearl Harbor

That's bullshit, McCawley!
But it's very, very good bullshit.
Thankyou, sir.
McCawley, you remind me
of myself 1 5 years ago.

Which is why we need
to discuss this.

Have a seat, son.
The British have accepted you
into the Eagle Squadron.

You're on your way to England
tomorrow, ifyou still want to go.

Just a few British pilots
are all that stand...

between Hitler
and total victory in Europe.

They're gonna need all the help
they can get.

Yes, sir.
Well, I'm on my way.

Just for the record, I'm supposed
to askyou to reconsider.

- Sir?
- Sooner or later...

we're gonna be in this war
whether we like it or not.

And I'm gonna need
all of my best pilots.

So it's my duty
to askyou to stay.

Major, what would you do?
If it was me...
I'd go.
God! Am I going bald
right back here?

Man, I am one good-lookin'
son ofa bitch.

Don't you ever die.
Die. That's exactly the concept
you gotta work tonight.

You put a drop ofthis clove oil
underyour eyes...

and you let 'em sting
and well up.

You get your nurse alone,
take a breath...

let her see your eyes glisten
and say...

""Baby, they're training me for war...
and I don't know
what'll happen...

but if I die tomorrow...
I want to know that we lived
all we could tonight.''

Come on, guys!
We got nurses waitin'.

Come on, before the rest
of his hair falls out.

How could you do this?
Well, Doolittle assigned me.
He wanted me to get some real--
real combat training in.
