Quo Vadis%3F

Love... and death...
are walking by your side.

You will offend gods. Fire
will consume more than your soul.

Go away.
- This is for you.
- Thank you.

- "Satyricon"... whose is it?
- Mine. But that's a secret.

You said you didn't write verse,
but I see not only prose here.

Nero is the reason
poetry makes me nauseous.

Some tickle their throat
with a flamingo's feather,

I read Nero's verses.
Instant relief.

Though heart remains heavy,
the stomach is light.

Greetings and orders from Caesar.
l am grateful for the greetings
and shall obey the orders.

Aulus Plaucius, you shelter
Lygian king's daughter,

who was offered as a pledge
for the safety of our boundaries.
l am to take her
by orders of the divine Nero.

Wait here, Hasta.
We love you,
as you were our own.

But guardianship over hostages
is the Caesar's privilege.
