Quo Vadis%3F

And as they were lamenting,
Mary of Magdala appeared,

she had seen the Lord.
There was such brightness around Him,
she mistook Him for a gardener,

but then he said, ''Mary!''.
And she exclaimed, ''Rabboni!''
and dropped at His feet.
He asked her
to tell the disciples,

but the disciples refused
to believe her.

And when she wept forjoy,
some of them

scorned her, and others thought
grief had made her insane

for she claimed to have seen
angels in the tomb.

And the disciples went there,
and saw the tomb was empty.

When the sun had set,
Cleopas, who went with the others
to Emmaus, came

and they hurried back, saying,
''The Lord has truly resurrected!''
And they discussed having shut,
shut the doors out of fear of Jews,

and then He stood amongst them.
As fear filled them,
He said, ''Peace be with you''.

And l saw Him...
like all the others, and He...

He was like shining light,
like the joy of our hearts,

for we finally believed
in His Resurrection,

and we knew the seas should dry out,
the mountains should crumble,

but His glory would never pass.
