Quo Vadis%3F

And if Lygia leaves,
l'll pull off the dressings
and shan't eat or drink...

and you'll be blamed
for my death...

you and your brethren.
let him stay with us,
until Christ restores his health.
Let it be so.
Wake up! Someone to see you,
says it's urgent!

l am not at home...
l don't know this good fellow.

l've told him you were sleeping,
but he ordered me to wake you.

Dumb creature!
l'll have you whipped!

- Chilo Chilonides!
- Pax tecum! Pax! Pax!

Oh, the best of Christians!
Yes! l'm Chilonides, l'm Chilo.

- But this is a misunderstanding.
- Your master, Vinicius,

- summons you to go with me.
- My dear fellow,

and has my noble friend
sent me a litter?

- We shall walk.
- And if l refuse?

- l wouldn't do it.
- l shall come, because l want to,

for l am a free man and a wise one,
an l can turn offenders
into trees and animals. l'm coming!
