Revolution OS

J.T.S. Moore

For most its short, but colorful history,
the computer industry has been dominated
by the Windows operating system.
But that could soon change,
as Windows faces a strong challenge from Linux
Silicon Valley has long been the place
to develop new technology,
start new companies and get really rich.
Now The Valley is the front line in a revolution
fighting for that most
politically incorrect of ideas:

individual freedom
Day and night,
a loose confederation of

hackers and programmers zaps bits pieces of
computer code around the world as it builds the tools
to set computer users free
using open information and
the free exchange of technology

to achieve its goals.
This revolution began in the 1980's with
the Free Software Movement and GNU project.
And now is most commonly associated
with Linux and the Open Source Movement.
What is Linux?
We do have one sector that taking off today.
It is the Linux-related sector.
And I thought this might be
a good opportunity to say,

"What is Linux?"
And I'll answer this question for you.
Many of you probably already know,
There are 12 million users out there

A computer Operating System
developed by hundreds of

programmers collaborating on the Internet
A challenge to Microsoft Windows NT
Very popular for its speed
and so this's what the craze is about
To kind of explain what Linux is you have to
explain what an Operating System is
And... the thing about Operating System is
you, I mean...
