Revolution OS

Most of the inspiration early on came from, from SunOS
which was what um,
I was using at the university at the time.

[ Which University? ]
University of Helsinki in Finland.
From 1991 to about 1993 was really
I guess the infancy period of Linux.
That was when it was still only alpha or beta quality;
it was relatively unstable.
Although, even then it was a good deal more stable
than a lot of what are now called
"production" operating systems.

Linus used the traditional
tried-and-true method of writing one program

that does the job,
and he got it to work.
quickly in fact faster than
I would have thought was possible.

The term for it is "monolithic",
which means that basically
the OS itself is one entity, indivisible.

uh, while in the microkernel,
the, the operating system kernel is actually
uh, just a collection of servers that
do different things and then they have a common protocol
for doing communication between themselves.
[ So why is that... the GNU project that's had
so much lead-time, that's been doing this,

Why...Why is it that he was able to kinda
come in at the tail end so to speak ]

Well we actually started the
GNU Hurd not long before he started Linux.

And it happened though we chose a design
that's a very advanced design

in terms of the power gives you
but also turns out to be very hard to debug.
