Riding in Cars with Boys

There"s this guy, Billy Schnar,
he"s really cute.

Billy Schnar?
We"re the smartest in class.
You know who he likes? Guess!

-Melissa Thomas, you know her?

The one with braces and ugly red hair.
She thought Israel was in Europe.
You know why he likes her? Guess!

-Because she"s stupid.
-No, because she"s got boobs!

Or it looks like she does,
but she doesn"t. She wears a bra...

...which squishes her fat together...
...and makes her look like
she has big boobs.

Pop, l"m gonna die
if I don"t marry Billy Schnar.

l"m gonna die all because
Melissa has boobs?

That"s just way too tragic,
even for Shakespeare.

Okay, Pop, so that"s why for
Christmas, l"d like a bra.

To enhance what I got,
which is more than Melissa.

-You"re too young.
-Pop, you can"t negotiate my boobs.

Too young or not, l"ve got them.
l"m a woman.

-It"s hard to see through my clothes.

The answer is no.
Keep your mind on books, not boys.
This is why therapists are wealthy.:
moments like this.

Why didn't he just get her the bra?
/t's certainly cheaper than a bicycle.

Parents and the damage they can do.
Sometimes, it's endless.
But she survived.
y ou know what they say.:

"That which doesn't kill you,
makes you want to die. "

/f she was Southern,
she'd have turned life into a song.

Since she's from Connecticut,
she turned it into a memoir.

Someone wants to publish it,
if she clears one hurdle.

So she called me for help.
