Riding in Cars with Boys

Hello, Sky.
Tommy, why do you gotta
sneak up on people?

You idiot. Shoot!
Sorry, Bev. I didn"t mean
to scare you.

l"m sorry. l"m just completely
distracted at the moment.

Don"t talk right now.
-Oh, sure.

-You want some salt?

I checked out F. Scott
Fitzgerald"s stories--

l"m doing something daring right now,
and l"m working up some optimism.

-What are you doing?

-l"m just a big chicken.
-No, Bev.

Someone once said a coward and a hero
have one thing in common: fear.

You may be scared,
but you"re no coward.

I come off the field,
following me are scouts...

...f rom Notre Dame, Penn State,
Ohio State, all talking to me.

So l"m like, "Alphabetical order."
So the guy f rom Penn State is first--

Sky, wouldn"t Notre Dame be first
if it"s alphabetical order?

-Hi, Sky.

Don"t open it now.
-Read it later when you can.
-Later when I can.

Read it.
"Silver buttons of night"s
velvet dress unbuttoned...
