Russian Doll

-And those Voronikhine lamps,

Empire, Empire, Empire!
I have no enthusiasm for it.
That style is too silly.

Don't forget it was born under Bonaparte.
Then it became fashionable here...
to the point of becoming the national style...
to the detriment of its originality.
We battled Napoleon, not the Empire style,
Who are they? Who are these people?
Petersburgers, of when the city
was no longer a capital,

It's better that way.
A capital city should be...

an ancient city Iike Moscow. Not a Chimera.
-Who are these people?
-Should I introduce you?

-Only if it's not impolite.
-No, they are friends,

Oleg Konstantinovich, medical professor,
Lev Mikhailovich, actor,
Shouldn't they rise?
My European friend, he is visiting Russia,
-My pleasure.
-He's European,

Medicine is a fine profession.
I haven't spoken for years.
Aside from my new accomplice.
Such a Iong time.... What is that odour?
A curious odour.
Have you been in Saint Petersburg Iong?
Yes, for one hour.
-And you came straight here?
-I had my reasons.

You must Iove art!
Are you interested in beauty
or just its representation?

No, Marquis. We're here to rest.
How do you rest?
Today, we've come together.
It smells of formaldehyde.
Marquis, I'II show you a splendid painting.
