Save the Last Dance

That's not the first time
I've heard hip-hop.

Uh-huh. I bet you listen to it
all the time.

So are we getting any closer
to your crib,

or are we going to have to
stop for food and water ?

- We-- We passed it.
- You passed it.

- Thankyou for walking me home.
- Was that thanks like,

""Gee whiz, I had a great time,''
or was that thanks like,

""I'll bust a cap in your ass, if you
ever darken my doorstep again'' ?

No, I would never
bust a cap in your ass.

[ Laughs ]

Just checking.
So, uh, you're here.
you're home.

I'll see ya.
See ya at school.
See ya.
Thankyou for the dance.
- [Cough]
- [ Gasps ]

- Morning.
- You scared me.

I didn't know that you were home.
I didn't see your car outside.

Yeah, the night's
full of surprises.

lhada big one myself
when lcame home on mybreak.

- Where were you, Sara ?
- I wasjust out with some friends.

And I just missed some work. Half
a night's worth. Hope you had fun.

I did.
I had a great time.

Yeah, look,
you're 17 years old,
if you wanna go out, go out.

But don't sneak around.
