Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi

Who goes there??
It' s way past bedtime
Hey boss. I' m hungry
That voice...
There. I' lI pay you now
I' m a customer, I want a bath!
Wake everyone up !
Mommy, Daddy, the River God
gave me this cake

l' m sure if you eat them,
you' ll turn back into people

Dad, Mom. where are you??
Daddy !
Awful dream
Lin... ?
Where is everybody??
Wow... it really did
turn into an ocean !

I can see where Mom and
Dad are from here

Kamaji' s already lit the fires?
Did I sleep that long??
The customer' s waiting
Hurry it up !

Serve everything you' ve
got, even leftovers !

Sen !
I was just going to wake you up
Look !

Real gold
He gave it to me

This guest' s a real high roller
Please, sir, try this !
Taste the very best !
Throw us some gold!
Your blessings !
