Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi

Look, granny. Haku' s alive
Haku, I no longer blame
you for what you did

Just be sure you protect the girI
OK, boys. time you went home
Come again soon
You, stick around
and be my helper

Granny !
Thank you. I' m going now
I' m sure you can
manage everything

My real name is Chihiro
Chihiro... what a nice name
Take good care of it,
it' s yours

I will !
Off you go
Thank you, granny
Good bye

Listen, Haku
I don' t remember it, but
my mom told me...

Once, when I was little,
I fell into a river

She said they' d drained it
and built things on top

But I' ve just remembered
The river was called...
Its name was the Kohaku River
Your real name is Kohaku
