Session 9

They're talking about you. They
would've committed your ass then.

What do you have to do now to get
committed? Mortify someone's pride?

You kill someone.
That won't get you committed.
That'll get you in jail.

If you get caught.
John Hinkley, temporary insanity.
He's in a nut house.

That defense never works. Most
people are conscious when they kill.

Homicide requires a motive.
How did you fail law school?
You're good.

What are you?
A lobotomy case?

Jeff, come on.
Toe me!
We're just fucking around.
Sorry, Mike.

The Ice Pick method.
Insert a thin metal pipette
into the orbitalfrontal cortex

and enter the soft tissue
of the frontal lobe.

A few simple smooth,
up and down jerks

to sever the kateral hypothalamus.
Resulting in a rapid reduction
of stress for our patient.

Total time elapsed, two minutes.
Only side effect?

- A black eye.
- Recommended treatment.

Sun glasses.
- Brilliant! Very good.
- Alright. Let's get back to work.

I wasn't kidding.
You should use your head, buddy.

I have to get a part
from Gordon's van.

Make sure mullet head
knows how to operate that thing.

Mike, don't forget this.
