Sexy Beast

Now, this chairman´s
not as big a prick as he looks.

He knows who Teddy Bass is.
What he is, what he´s up to.
But does he care? Does he fuck!
Thank you for that, Harry.
l´ve been looking for somewhere safe for that.
It´s been in the family for ages.
Donkey´s years. Generations.

Why? Cos the place is impregnable.
One of the most elaborate
security systems in Europe.

Well, thanks, Teddy.
Thank you for choosing us.

It´s a modern fortress.
No, it´s perfect for me. l´m well impressed.
I feel very safe.
Well, rest assured, Teddy, we´re very safe.
Very comfortin´ to knowthat, Harry.
Nice doin´ business with you.
See you around.
l´ll tell you what, Stan. That is
fuckin´ impressive, that place.

l´ll say that. Fuckin´ futuristic.
Yeah? Doable?
Don´t see why not.
You see, Gal, where there´s a will,
and there is a fuckin´ will...

There´s a way.
And there is a fuckin´ way.
There´s always a fuckin´ way.
