Siu lam juk kau

Are you sick, First Big Brother?
I've a headache. I got drunk last night.
Anyway, what do you want?
-I want to let you know I awakened already.

Truly? You awakened.
-I awakened.

I finally understood.
If I want to develop Shaolin Kung Fu for the world,

I need to package it in a new form.
-What kind of form?

You won't believe what I saw today.
I saw a steamed bread shop...

Stop bothering me!
But, what do you think
if I combine Shaolin Kung Fu...

with singing and dancing?
-Forget it.

How will you know until you try it?
-Forget it!

I already told you to quit dreaming.
There's a toilet cleaning job.
You should take it...

and quit dreaming.
If we don't have dreams in life,
we'll look like a salt fish.

You see, you're a real salt fish
without a pair of shoes!

How can you talk about a dream?
Oh, no!
The fire in my heart
is not easy to put out!

Why not? Just blow it out!
But I can light it up again!
-Enough, already!

We have our own separate lives.
Stop bothering me!
I work to support my family.
You mean you are willing to give up your Iron Head?
Did you forget how long you trained for it?
You're wrong!
I didn't give it up...
for even one day!
-Damn it!

The dancers quit the show already.
How can you stay here and do nothing about it?

No! I have a great idea.
What's that?
Combining Shaolin Kung Fu
with singing and dancing.

What kind of Shaolin Kung Fu?
Look at this.

It's no good for a show.
He's good enough.
-No! How about you?

How about your Iron Head?
If you don't do it well, I'll kill you tomorrow.
