Sordid Lives

You have too much time
on your hands, Odell.

- Ain't that somethin'?
- You know what I can't
get off of my mind?

- Oh, here we go again.
- I can't get that...

- pig-bloating incident off my mind.
- What?

Please, G. W., if I have to hear
that goddamn pig story again...

- I think I'll just shit.
- All happened at the Tyler County Fair.

I guess now's a good a time as any.
Was that steak tender,
the one you ate that night Peggy died?

Thank you, hon!
I'll see you at the funeral!

Well, I'll tell you one thing...
I sure as hell wouldn't have
quit smoking if I had known
my sister was going to die.

Three days now.
I am about to die myself.

H-H-Hold on.
Ouch. Oh, Lord.
Huh? Oh, nothing.
Well, if you must know,
it's a little quit-smoking therapy...

that Roger over at the Beehive
shared with me while he was
back-combing my hair.

He paid $2,000 at this clinic
over in Snyder...

and they give him a rubber band--
told him to pop his arm with it
every time he wanted a cigarette.

It's called, uh...
behavior modifi-something another.
Roger can tell ya the exact wordage.
Anyway, it ain't workin'.
See, I go down to Tyler every year
for the county fair. Broom.

Oh, I just love all them animals
and them displays of macramé...

and the cooking competition and all.
Besides, it gives me a chance
to see me and Wardell's sister.

I once made a rooster out of beans
and lentils when I was a girl...

in vacation Bible school.
- It's almost lifelike.
- Uh-huh.

- How is old Mozelle?
- Oh, she's fine.

Me and Mozelle, we had us
some good times once upon a time.

You know, her and Darrel
have had a bunch of marital problems.

He beat her up a few times.

Mama hung old Cockadoodle
in the kitchen.

That's what I called him.

- That's amazing.
- But, uh, boll weevils
started eating them beans.
