Spy Game

Hell of an ad for the Boy Scouts.
Did you have a presidential finding
authorizing those kills?

I don't believe we've met.
Who are you?
Dr. William Byars.
National Security Council.
Was there a finding, Muir?
We were in a place
we weren't supposed to be...

... assassinating a general
from a country we weren't at war with.

We weren't officially at war
with North Vietnam either...

- Is that a no?
- Come on, guys. We're on the clock.

The President admits Bishop is ours,
denies he's a spy.

We put out the fires and negotiate a deal.
Unless I'm missing something.
This'll just take a second.
Stop recording. Stop tape.
Your secretary's got your wife on the line.
She says it's urgent.

Go ahead. You want to take it outside?
No, I'll take it in here. That's fine.
- Hello.
- Got your message.

- You want me to start a fire yet?
- Right.

This'll just take a second. Right.
Tell you what.
Why don't you hold that reservation...

... and we may still be able to use it.
You might just. As we speak...
...there are three guys rummaging
through everything I spent a week packing.

If there were any instances
of personal dysfunction...

...emotional or psychological,
it could be helpful.

It's insubstantial.

Yeah, as a presidential finding
is of no real importance.

- You still there?
- Yeah.

So he was an assassin, recruited to kill.
