Spy Game

That's okay.
It's fine.

I can probably make arrangements
for you to end your
tour of duty in San Diego.

In which case,
I'll presume you'll forget
we ever had this conversation.

But look,
it's your choice.

All the way home
l'll be warm
[ Chuckles Softly ]

The next day,
we started his tradecraft.

The technology
gets better every day,
and that's fine.

But most of the time,
all you need is a stick of gum,
a pocket knife and a smile.

That's disappointing.
Guten Morgen, meine Herren.

Today we're going to be
discussing a radio set.

Not just any radio set,
but a Russian radio set.

Every building, every room,
every situation is a snapshot.

While l'm sitting here talking
to you, l'm also checking
the room, memorizing it.

The people.
What they're wearing.
Then I ask the question,

''What's wrong with this
picture? Anything suspect?''
[ Shouting ]

You've gotta see it,
assess it and dismiss
most of it...

- without looking, without thinking.
- Without thinking?

It's just like breathing.
You breathe, don't you?

Always carry cigarettes
and a lighter too.
Great ice-breaker.

- Eine Kaffee, bitte.
- Zwei.

Okay, I want you to listen,
but I want your concentration
to be on something different.

Anything else, soyou
don't react. Understand?

So when do I get
my first assignment?

When I decide
you're ready.

- What is your name?
- Michael Sandville.

The suit in the kitchen.
- Threat?
- Wait, how'd you see that? Ah!

- See that apartment building?
- Yeah?

Know anyone
who lives there?

Within five minutes,
I want to see you standing
on one of those balconies.

[ Chuckles ]
Come on.

- Did you serve in Vietnam?
- No, I did not.

- Favorite color?
- Why don't we discuss it over coffee?

You just lost ten seconds.
Solicit information
from someone.
