Spy Game

Have I with held anything?
Certainly the fact that
Harry Duncan tipped you off...

to Bishop's situation before
you even arrived here yesterday.

- [ Scoffs ]
- Yet you chose to play
dumb with us. Why?

Okay. Then maybe you'd like to
tell us about the calls you placed...

to Duncan from
Andrew Unger's office last night.

- Harry Duncan's a friend...
- Aren't they all.

We were discussing
a personal matter.

Harry Duncan's
gone missing.

Oh, yeah? Well, good for Harry.
He deserves some time away.

With your $282,000?
Muir transferred that amount to
a Grand Cayman account yesterday.

As of an hour ago,
it's gone.

You want to accuse me
of something? Accuse me.

Maybe the pay off went to...
Digby Gibson when
you tipped off the press.

Leave Digger out of this.
His paper's a front.

He's Ml-6's man
in Hong Kong.

Anything else, Harker?
Yes, sir.
Yesterday, Imagery Analysis
delivered a file...

requested by Muir's secretary
to your office.

Did you receive
that file, sir?

I don't remember seeing it.
It was returned
at 03:00 this morning.

All right, give it to me.
Thank you.
Is this China?
I believe it is, sir, and I think
it would be hoove Mr. Muir...

to tell us exactly what $282,000
has bought him there.
