[Fooglies chattering]
[Fooglies yelping]
Lock them up!
Whoa !
What does it need, Minion?
- I don't--
- My show! It needs something !
That thing that will take
it to number one.
I can feel it...
but I can think straight enough
to figure it out.
Floop, you're spending
too much time on this program.
You should be more concerned
with our grand diabolical plan.
- Syndication?
- The army of robot children.
This hardware gets in the way
of my creative abilities.
You lost the children.
Not only did they escape...
they took the Third Brain
with them.
It exists?
Completely. Cortez lied to us.
Send our best Thumbs.
Sir, if you want
to catch a criminal...
you send a criminal.
If you want to snare a spy---
Please speak English, Minion !
I've been baking
under those studio lights.
- If you want to find a child...
- Mm-hmm?
Send a child.
That is brilliant, Minion.
Thank you...
[Horns honking]
[Computer beeping]
Some locating device.