Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures

The sense the Sterling Hayden
character has that he's on top of it. . .

. . .he really knows what he's doing.
At the end of it. . .

. . .the little yapping dog
gets loose. . .

. . .and the money
blows all over the place.

It's a brilliant
and existential movie.

If existentialism basically posits
that we define ourselves by doing. . .

. . .and that chance is the one thing
we can never quite fully comprehend. . .

. . .prior to its impinging on our
desires, or plans, or whatever. . . .

It's a brilliant statement of that.
The Killing was not
a commercial success. . .

. . .but it did succeed in building
Kubrick and Harris' reputation.

When I saw The Killing I said,
"My God.

Stanley's gonna make it.
This is good. "

But it's Paths of Glory
that turned it all around.

We walked in the middle,
as we usually did as kids. . .

...Paths of Glory.
And myself and my friends,
who were war-film buffs. . .

. . .we had never seen anything
quite like it, or quite like. . .

. . .the tone of it.
We'd seen other anti-war films.

But this one was so honest. . .
. . .particularly the trial, and scenes
between Macready and Kirk Douglas.

I ordered an attack.
Your troops refused to attack.

They did attack,
but they could make no headway.

Because they didn't try.
I saw it myself.

Half of them never left the trenches.
A third of them were pinned down
by the intense fire.

Don't quibble over fractions.
The fact remains that a good part of
them never left their own trenches.
