Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures

. . .and just portray this aspect
of humanity. . .

. . .often you fall into sentimentality.
You really do.

It's very, very hard to pull off.
This one works like...
You cannot see it without weeping.

He was sitting behind his desk
for this interview. . .

. . .I was to have because he was
looking for an actress. . .

. . .for that scene in Paths of Glory.
You know, I thought he
looked extraordinary.

And he just sat there. . .
. . .beaming at me, grinning at me
throughout the interview. . .

. . .and I must have grinned back.
He's been smiling at me
for 43 years afterwards.

Following Paths of Glory, Christiane
and her daughter, Katharina. . .

. . .moved with Stanley to Los Angeles.
Stanley and Christiane
were married in 1 958. . .

. . .and Hollywood would be their home
for the next few years. . .

. . .where they were to have two more
children, Anya and Vivian.

For its damning portrayal
of the French officer class. . .

...Paths of Glory would be banned
in France for nearly 20 years.

The film brought its director
firmly to the attention of Hollywood.

He was still only 28.
