Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures

In the early 1 960s, space exploration
began when both Russia and the U.S. . .

. . .sent men outside the Earth's

As the space race came to dominate
the popular imagination. . .

. . .Kubrick captured the spirit of the
times by collaborating on a film. . .

. . .with the science fiction writer
Arthur C. Clarke.

Behind everyone alive today
stand 30 ghosts. . .

. . .for that is the ratio by which
the dead outnumber the living.

Since the dawn of time, about
a hundred billion human beings. . .

. . .have walked on this planet.
Now, a hundred billion
is about the number of stars. . .

. . .in our Milky Way galaxy.
So this means that for everyone
who has ever lived. . .

. . .there could be a star.
And of course, stars are suns,
with planets circling around them.

So isn't it an interesting thought
that there's enough land in the sky. . .

. . .for everyone to have a whole world?
We don't know how many of those worlds
are inhabited. . .

. . .and by what kind of creatures.
But one day we should know,
perhaps by radio. . .

. . .perhaps by other means,
perhaps by direct contact.

The impact of that on the human race
will be profound. . .

. . .especially if we encounter
creatures far in advance. . .

. . .of our own primitive species.
It's a wonderful thing to look forward
to and perhaps a terrifying one.

It may happen in our lifetimes.
It may not happen for 1 000 years.

But one day, we will know
the truth about. . .

. . .this incredible and wonderful
universe around us. . .

. . .and perhaps understand our
own place in it.

The extraordinary audacity,
power and, I think, guts. . .

. . .to say, "Let's screech everything
to a halt, take everybody. . .

. . .back to prehistoric times
where it wasn't that fast. "
