Suchwiin bulmyeong

I won't use the likes of you!
Hey, that's enough!
You're going to hurt the meat!
Come here!
Stupid moron, that's the way
you should have done it!

Then I wouldn't have hit you so much!
Here, have a swig

Here, have a swig
To be a dog dealer
you gotta outstare them!

When a dog looks straight at you
it's scary, right?

You know what the scariest
eyeball of them all is?

It's the human eye
You know why the dogs
look away from me?

Because there's fire in my eyes
Here look!
Hey, you want to go to your
father's land, don't you?

Answer in English...
You bastard, your mother
taught you English by beating
it into you, didn't she?
