
A couple of dislocated neckbones.
That collar has to stay on for 3 weeks.

U have a darn hard service.
He almost got paralised.

Thank U.
Do you play in competition?
-I used to.

I'm sorry, chap.
You didn't do it on purpose.
It's not your fault.

Marguérite, how nice.
I thought you were mad at Tanguy.

Mad? Did he say that?
No, but he often takes
friends along, I thought he was...

Silly of me of course.
If I get lucky,
he'll never forgive me.

You are looking upset?
Mom, it wasn't your fault.
-It's my fault.

No, it was inevitable.
You even did me a service.
I love Marguérite, but she's been nagging
for months about moving in together...

and having children.
-No way?

I lead her on, but
I kept getting tangled in.
