Texas Rangers

We're going
to protect

you people,
least you can do

is contribute supplies.
you want a starving army?
Who's going to keep
the crops safe then?

you fellas there
grab all the grub
you can carry.

Get your irons and fall in.
We're riding south
to kill bandits!

Afternoon, Rangers.
What's your business here?
By order of the community
I've got a vigilance committee

Nary a Yankee, nigger
or Mexican among us.

unless you have
the authority of the state

disband and disarm these men.
They won't have it.
We aim to protect
our land.

Men who want to protect
their land

they can apply to hire from me.
Governor's commissioned
the Rangers

to do the
protecting, mister.

Now, you disband these men.
you from San Antone?
'Cause you
sure as hell

remind me
of this preacher there.

It was some years ago...
some preacher man.
I don't recall no time
in San Antone.

No, I suppose you don't.
Men, you can keep your guns
to guard your homes

but that means
go home.

I'll give you one minute
to take a vote.
