The 51st State

Rest in peace...
You're going home Dakota
- I'm going to Vegas .
- You stern to me

There's this limey asshole in Liverpool
named Durarnt
He was supposed to show up
for this little deal we had going on today.

He didn't show up.
The Lizard thinks he stoke his Elmo
I'm not going back.
I don't care how much I owe you.

Listen to me Dakota
I want this limey motherfucker Durant
off the fucking planet

and I want fucking Elmo fucking McElroy
- off the fucking planet!
- Did you hear what just sad?

That place has nothing to offer me.
The Lizard...
..will wipe your marker clean.
Plus a bonus 100.000
if the job is done in 48 hours .
And after that, there is nothing to stop you
from turning right around and leaving again.
Get it done.
It's done.
would like to extend
a very warm welcome to each of you

on behalf of all the crew
on this Virgin Atlantic flight
