The 51st State

Fuckn' Yanks
The trouble with the fuckin' Yanks is ,
they've no fuckin' sense.

Had some dick in Los Angeles
actually ask me where I learnt English.
English? Fuck!
Do you have a problem with America, Felix?
Oh, yeah. I've got one great big, fat,
swollen fucker of a problem with America, twat!

Listen to this. I'm in fuckin' Florida, right?
This Southern prat comes up and he's like er...
"Hey, England's small. You must know
that John fuckin' Smith guy, right?"

- Fuckin' Smith!
I'm like: Oh, yeah, yeah, mate, that's right.
John Smith.

Yeah, I do know him
but he doesn't come from England, mate.

No, he comes from fuckin'
Pricksville, USA!
- You going to answer the fuckin' phone or what?
- It's just my wife.

Now, when Mr. McElroy joins us, I'd be pleased
if you kept your opinions to yourself.

This particular Yank is not a travelling salesman.
He's a genius, hmm?

Who is this cunt?
So I said to Mr. Durant, I said, "Mr. Durant,
we go and meet this fuckin' Yank McElroy,

bring him to the deal and that's it."
None of this fuckin'
conversation-and-coffee bollocks .

None of this asking him
how the Tampa Bay 'Eers are doing.

No, I said, "Fuck him.
I bring him to the deal,
I get my fuckin' tickets and I'm off. That's it."

- Take a left up here
- There's no time for this .

Take a fuckin' left!
Felix! Felix, listen!
This is a totally new chemical.
