The 51st State

- Just popped over from er...Liverpool...
- Fuckin' wanker!

:17:07 invite you to a game of footy tomorrow.
What the fuckin' hell's that, you twat?
But I'm fuckin' fucked
if you pricks are going to win it.

Come on, then, mate. Keep up the spirit.
Someone get that fucking thing out!
Young man, get off the bloody green!
- Where the fuck have you been?
- Round the block.

Drive, quick!
Let's go meet the Yankee muppet.
Where's Lawrence?
Where's he gone? We're late.

- Well, he's...
- You left him at the pub. Twat!

- But you said...
- Go back.

Go back and get him.
Look at this wanker.
- Prick!
- Go on.

Lawrence says, right, he's going to be carrying...
..a load of drugs, right?
We do him. Job done.
I'm not having some fuckin' nig-nog...
put us out of business, right?

Watch it! You're pissin' on my fuckin' boots !
- What about Felix DeSouza?
- Fuck him.

He's a rabid dog.
Is he? Well, fuck him!
Fuck him! Leave it to me!
I'll rip out his fuckin' liver. One shot. Va-voom!
