The 51st State

Aye aye. Got some blue tabs .
They look like sweets .

How are you?
What do you mean, how am I?
Nearly cut my fucking ear off!

And I've hurt my knee.
Now, I want you to get the pills and take them
straight down to the lab, double time.

You got that? And then you call me.
Now, what else have you got?

Six dead bodies and one live one.
- Chief, it's Leopold Durant.
Durant? Right. Now, concentrate, Arthur.
Get that fat fuck down here pronto.
But, sir, he's dying.
Then you'd better be fucking quick about it,
hadn't you?

She dumped me.
Two years ago now.
Changed her name from Dawn to Dakota.
Fucked off for Las Vegas and a deck of cards .
So who hired her to take me out?
You're asking the wrong question, mate.
She's your guardian angel.
if she wanted you dead you'd be dead
She never misses .
I mean, fucking look at that.
If she really wanted to hit me...I'd be shiteing
through a tube for the rest of my life.

Someone wants you kept alive.
Somebody's trying to cut in on Durant's deal.
They're shitting again.

- Yeah, well, shit happens .
- No

Shit don't just happen, shit takes time.
Shit takes effort.
$20 million-worth of effort.
I've got to get a new deal on, fast.
You know the town, you know the players .
..all I want is a ticket for the game.
Do you think you can swing that?
$20 million could swing anything.
You know what I'm selling.
