The Curse of the Jade Scorpion

You will fall deeper and deeper
under the sway of my words.

You will obey
my instructions carefully.

You will proceed to
the Kensington estate...

where you will obtain the jewels-- all
the jewels-- from the Kensington safe.

You will do this
with the utmost secrecy,

using all the information
and techniques at your command.

You'll do it with
great ease and facility.

Then you will return to your apartment,
taking the jewels with you.

You'll hide them in
a safe and secure hiding place,

awaiting further instructions from me.
You will then fall into a deep slumber
from which you will awake refreshed,

and you'll have no memory
of anything that has occurred.

You will wait to hear from me again.
Your life will be simply as
your life is until you hear from me.

Remember. You will obey
my instructions to the letter.

You will remember absolutely nothing
that occurred under trance.

Is that clear to you?
Very clear.
Go. The Jade Scorpion commands it.
Awfully late, Mr. Briggs.
Hot on a case, eh?
